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Volume: 9, Issue Number: 1

Volume: 9, Issue: 1 (33 Articles)

Research Article
Title: Reflexive idempotent property skewed by ring endomorphism
Authors: Chenar Abdul Kareem Ahmed and Renas Tahsin M. Salim
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JUN 2021), pp:001-018
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.410
Viewed: (2888) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Research Article
Title: A topological view on L-fuzzy soft sets: Degree of countably compactness and the Lindelöf property
Authors: Vildan Çetkin
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JUN 2021), pp:019-028
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.411
Viewed: (2645) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Research Article
Title: Optimization modelling for environment pollutionmitigation as a result of energy activities in Tanzania
Authors: Regobert C. Ngeleja, Padmanabhan Seshaiyer and Halidi A. Lyeme
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JUN 2021), pp:029-041
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.412
Viewed: (2411) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Research Article
Title: Matrix continued fraction and expansions of the Gauss hypergeometric function
Authors: S. Mennou, S. Salhi and A. Kacha
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JUN 2021), pp:042-051
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.413
Viewed: (2487) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Research Article
Title: On approximation properties of a generalization ofBernstein polynomials in symmetric range
Authors: Ecem Acar and and Aydin Izgi
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JUN 2021), pp:052-058
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.414
Viewed: (1615) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Stability analysis of nonlinear differential equations depending on a parameter with conformable derivative
Authors: Ghania Rebiai
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:044-049
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.427
Viewed: (2163) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Upshot of Marangoni nanofluid thin film flow under the influence of an inclined magnetic field
Authors: Muhammad Ramzan and Hina Gul
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:072-078
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.432
Viewed: (1996) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Comparative study of different-fault-tolerant control strategies for three-phase induction motor
Authors: Toufik Roubache, Souad Chaouch, and Mohamed Said Nait Said
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:143-150
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.442
Viewed: (2366) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Bell-based Genocchi polynomials
Authors: Ugur Duran and Mehmet Acikgoz
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:050-055
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.428
Viewed: (2221) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: On degenerate truncated Frobenius-Euler polynomials
Authors: Ugur Duran and Mehmet Acikgoz
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:118-123
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.438
Viewed: (2776) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Face and emotion recognition using deep learning based on computer vision methods
Authors: Celal Akcelik, Ali Okatan and Ali Cetinkaya
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:021-025
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.423
Viewed: (2468) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: On some new Ostrowski type inequalities for co-ordinated s-Godunova-levin convex functions in the second sense
Authors: Seda Kılınç Yıldırım, Hüseyin Budak and Hüseyin Yıldırım
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:84-94
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.434
Viewed: (1255) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Stabilization and hybrid synchronization via the adaptive control method of non-identical 4-D financial hyper-chaotic systems
Authors: Hannachi Fareh
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:103-109
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.436
Viewed: (2158) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Further Properties of L-closed topological spaces
Authors: Eman Almuhur, Manal Al-labadi and Sarah Khamis
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:013-016
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.421
Viewed: (2130) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Mathematical models and comparative analysis for rice irrigation crop water requirements: A case study of bida basin Niger State, Nigeria
Authors: Musa D. Shehu, A. A. Ahmed and A. Abdulrahim
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:017-020
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.422
Viewed: (2221) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Denoising of degraded facial image sequences based PCA
Authors: Berrimi Fella, Kara-Mohammed Chafia and Hedli Riadh
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:056-061
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.429
Viewed: (2453) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Investigation of some neutronic calculations for vanadium carbide cladding material in a boiling water reactor modelling
Authors: Mehtap Duz
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:067-071
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.431
Viewed: (2128) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: The flux, energy and heating calculations for reactor core designed with Monte Carlo modelling
Authors: Mehtap Duz and Selcan Inal
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:062-066
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.430
Viewed: (2129) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Generalized solution of a nonlinear optimal control of the heel angle of a rocket
Authors: Touffik Bouremani and Djamel Benterki
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:079-083
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.433
Viewed: (2181) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Energy uniform decay rates for the semilinear waveequation with nonlinear localized damping and source terms of critical variable exponent
Authors: Abita Rahmoune
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:026-032
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.424
Viewed: (2893) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Navigation in multi-robot systems based on the behavioural fuzzy controller
Authors: Teggar Hamza and Meftah Boudjelal
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:124-129
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.439
Viewed: (2646) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Majorization features for analytic functions involving a linear operator
Authors: Asena Cetinkaya and Oya Mert
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:033-037
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.425
Viewed: (2597) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: A data-driven machine learning algorithm for financial market prediction
Authors: Mahmut Bağcı
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:038-043
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.426
Viewed: (2479) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Some optical soliton solutions for the generalizedFokas-Lenells equation
Authors: Esma Ulutas
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:151-156
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.443
Viewed: (2450) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: A secure communication Scheme based on adaptivemodified projective combination synchronization offractional-order hyper-chaotic systems
Authors: Tarek Houmor, Hadjer Zerimeche and Abdelhak Berkane
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:95-102
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.435
Viewed: (2488) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: CSG: Towards a comprehensive model of growth
Authors: Deniz Ünal and Begüm Çığşar
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:130-135
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.440
Viewed: (2320) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: A 3-step block hybrid backward differentiation formulae(bhbdf) for the solution of general second order ordinarydifferential equation
Authors: Hussaini Alhassan and Muhammad Raihanatu
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:161-164
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.445
Viewed: (3000) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Coefficients of singularities for boundary value problemsgoverned by the Lam'e system (elasticity) in a planesector
Authors: Razika Boufenouche
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:157-160
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.444
Viewed: (2281) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: A new mathematical approach for determining kinetic parameters of curing process
Authors: Murat Oz, Gamze Tanoğlu, Neslişah Imamoğlu, Yusufcan Uz and Metin Tanoğlu
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:136-142
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.441
Viewed: (2284) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: The SOR iterative method for new preconditioned linearalgebraic systems
Authors: Abdulrahman Ndanusa and Kuluwa Adamu Al-Mustapha
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:165-172
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.446
Viewed: (2537) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Determination of material deformation rate based on artificial intelligence using surface microstructure images
Authors: Selim Özdem, Ebubekir Seyyarer and İlhami Muharrem Orak
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:110-117
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.437
Viewed: (2232) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Deep learning approach to analyse, detect and classify COVID-19 patients
Authors: Hakan Koyuncu and Dinesh Sharma
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:001-012
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.420
Viewed: (2233) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Conference Proceeding
Title: Fuzzy fractional calculus revisited
Authors: George A. Anastassiou
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: ICAAMM2021-Proceedings, Year: 2021, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, (JULY ICAAMM2021-Proceedings), pp:173-190
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2021.447
Viewed: (2447) times
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