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Research Article
Title: On -type fractional differential equations with measure of noncompactness in Banach space
Authors: D. Vivek, Elsayed Elsayed, K. Kanagarajan
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2023, Volume: 8, Issue: 1, (MARCH 2023), pp:026-031
DOI: x
Viewed: (1178) times
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Research Article
Title: The Effects of the Assorted Cross-Correlation Definitions
Authors: Daniel Greenhoe
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2023, Volume: 8, Issue: 1, (MARCH 2023), pp:001-025
DOI: -
Viewed: (1211) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Research Article
Title: The Solution of Linear Volterra Integral Equation of the First Kind with Aboodh Transform
Authors: Özgür Kotan, Ercan Celik
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2022, Volume: 7, Issue: 1, (MAR 2022), pp:001-009
DOI: -
Viewed: (1930) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Research Article
Title: A New Approximate Solution for the Differential Equations Systems of the Spherical Curves with Adomian Decomposition Method
Authors: Derya Arslan
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2021, Volume: 6, Issue: 3, (SEP 2021), pp:015-021
DOI: -
Viewed: (1598) times
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Research Article
Title: On Some Bullen Type Quantum Integral Inequalities
Authors: Musa Çakmak
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2021, Volume: 6, Issue: 3, (SEP 2021), pp:008-014
DOI: -
Viewed: (1666) times
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Research Article
Title: The Examples of the Invariant Subspaces in R3: The G-Orbits for Similarity Groups
Authors: Muhsin Incesu
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2021, Volume: 6, Issue: 3, (SEP 2021), pp:001-007
DOI: -
Viewed: (1555) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Research Article
Title: A Class of Nonlocal Elliptic Equations in Orlicz-Sobolev Spaces
Authors: Berat Suer, Mustafa Avci, Veyis Turut
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2021, Volume: 6, Issue: 2, (JUL 2021), pp:016-029
DOI: -
Viewed: (1692) times
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Research Article
Title: Integrity of Variety of Inequalities Sketched on Time Scales
Authors: Muhammad Jibril Sahir
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2021, Volume: 6, Issue: 2, (JUL 2021), pp:008-015
DOI: -
Viewed: (2378) times
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Research Article
Title: Solving Convolution Type Linear Volterra Integral Equations with Kashuri Fundo Transform
Authors: Nihan Gungor
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2021, Volume: 6, Issue: 2, (JUL 2021), pp:001-007
DOI: -
Viewed: (1742) times
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Research Article
Title: Existence of Mild Solution for Neutral Functional Mixed Integrodifferential Evolution Equations with Nonlocal Conditions
Authors: Manoj Karnatak, Kamalendra Kumar, Rakesh Kumar
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2021, Volume: 6, Issue: 1, (MAR 2021), pp:032-040
DOI: -
Viewed: (2006) times
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Research Article
Title: A mathematical model for cost-effectiveness analysis and early detection of leptospirosis in human
Authors: Ibrahim Halil Aslan, Suzanne Lenhart
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2021, Volume: 6, Issue: 1, (MAR 2021), pp:021-031
DOI: -
Viewed: (1960) times
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Research Article
Title: An analysis of discrete time retrial queuing system with starting failures, Bernoulli feedback with general retrial times and a vacation
Authors: Jeyakumar S, Gunasekaran P
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2021, Volume: 6, Issue: 1, (MAR 2021), pp:011-020
DOI: -
Viewed: (2578) times
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Research Article
Title: On the Double Rational Chebyshev Functions: Definition, Properties and Application for Partial Differential Equations
Authors: Mohamed Ramadan, Mahmoud Nassar
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2021, Volume: 6, Issue: 1, (MAR 2021), pp:001-010
DOI: -
Viewed: (2585) times
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Research Article
Title: Fixed Point Theorems for Some Multi-Valued Contraction Mappings Defined in Partial Hausdorff Metric Spaces
Authors: Hacer Bozkurt
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2020, Volume: 5, Issue: 1, (MAR 2020), pp:017-026
DOI: -
Viewed: (1970) times
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Research Article
Title: Some oscillation criteria for nonlinear conformable fractional differential equations
Authors: Mustafa Bayram, Aydin Secer
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2020, Volume: 5, Issue: 1, (MAR 2020), pp:010-016
DOI: -
Viewed: (2584) times
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58 Article(s) Found
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