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Volume: 3, Issue Number: 2

Volume: 3, Issue: 2 (5 Articles)

Research Article
Title: On the control of a nonlinear beam
Authors: Kenan Yildirim, Sertan Alkan
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 3, Issue: 2, (JUN 2018), pp:023-027
DOI: x
Viewed: (2146) times
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Research Article
Title: Approximate solutions for fuzzy Volterra integro-differential equations
Authors: Mohamed Ali
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 3, Issue: 2, (JUN 2018), pp:011-022
DOI: x
Viewed: (2861) times
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Research Article
Title: The exponential and trigonometric cubic B-spline methods for second order matrix differential equations
Authors: K. R. Raslan, A. R. Hadhoud, Mohamed Shaalan
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 3, Issue: 2, (JUN 2018), pp:001-010
DOI: x
Viewed: (2624) times
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Research Article
Title: Integral inequalities for n-times differentiable mappings
Authors: Cetin Yildiz, Sever S. Dragomir
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 3, Issue: 2, (JUN 2018), pp:036-045
DOI: x
Viewed: (2014) times
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Research Article
Title: An efficient method for solving a class of linear and nonlinear fractional boundary value problems
Authors: Sertan Alkan, Kenan Yildirim
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 3, Issue: 2, (JUN 2018), pp:028-035
DOI: x
Viewed: (1836) times
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