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Volume: 1, Issue Number: 2

Volume: 1, Issue: 2 (5 Articles)

Research Article
Title: Characterizations of Spacelike Curves according to Bishop Darboux Vector in Minkowski 3-Space E₁³
Authors: Huseyin Kocayigit, Bahattin Bukcu and Ilker Pektas
Journal: Communication in Mathematical Modeling and Applications
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2016, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, (MAY 2016), pp:1-7
DOI: x
Viewed: (3397) times
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Research Article
Title: Finding minimal Ferrers-esque graphs on path graphs ans cycle graphs via set cover
Authors: Selcuk Topal
Journal: Communication in Mathematical Modeling and Applications
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2016, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, (MAY 2016), pp:42-49
DOI: x
Viewed: (2726) times
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Research Article
Title: Brand gender, brand personality and brand loyalty relationship
Authors: Izzet Gumus
Journal: Communication in Mathematical Modeling and Applications
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2016, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, (MAY 2016), pp:8-41
DOI: x
Viewed: (3809) times
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Research Article
Title: Investigation of non-lightlike tubular surfaces with Darboux frame in Minkowski 3-space
Authors: Emad Mohammed Solouma
Journal: Communication in Mathematical Modeling and Applications
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2016, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, (MAY 2016), pp:58-65
DOI: x
Viewed: (2678) times
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Research Article
Title: Insurance in Turkey and main problems of the sector
Authors: Alaattin Firat
Journal: Communication in Mathematical Modeling and Applications
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2016, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, (MAY 2016), pp:50-57
DOI: x
Viewed: (3290) times
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